
mel gibson

The past week has been Hellacious. Awful. Terrible. Icky and if I am faced with the choice of having to go through chemo again... I'm not sure I can or will. I can't believe I have another treatment and have to endure this again.. and at the same time I'm happy there is only one treatment left to go.

During this intense week, I thought of two life lessons learned from Mel Gibson.

I need to say first that I am not a fan of the Mel. I was suspect of him when I saw people picketing at the 23rd St. theater in Chelsea in 2006. Rumors were that he was a gay bashing numb nut. The next year, I heard from a "hollywood insider" he made derogatory comments about jews during a production meeting.

The following year. He worked with me on a film...(like the way I twisted that around there)
It was during the final weeks of filming The Patriot. It was raining and we were shooting a swamp scene. In a swamp. In the rain. And it was cold. I decided it was a perfect time to clean out an office my boss and I hardly used..and I'd just have to leave the set to go clean it. 

Mel overheard me telling my boss where I was going and said something like "you picked a perfect day to HAVE to go clean out the office". I said in return "I'm not as dumb as you look". I laughed. He laughed. I Left the set and went on my merry way to clean out the office.

Hours later I came back to the set. Immediately Mel's assistant tells me that Mel is upset and insulted. He pretty much feels like I've called him stupid.
Holy Crap.. I've upset Mel Gibson!
(In my short film career..I dropped Tom Hank's coffee on him, insulted Mel Gibson and almost lost Cameron Diaz's dog..and those are the things I haven't blocked out)

As the day goes on, people keep coming up to me and saying "i hear you insulted Mel", "so what did you do to upset Mel?". My boss Bill approaches me and sits me down.. "So.. Mel's upset...what did you say"?  I explain.. Bill goes back to set without saying much. I am left miserable, sad and contemplating what I will do with the rest of my life. My film career is now ruined because I was sarcastic to Mel Gibson.

The following night is the wrap party and I chose not to enjoy myself. I ruined, what should have been a super fun night by feeling bad.

The next day .. Mel apologized for playing a practical joke on me. He didn't think I'd feel so bad. Ha Ha very funny anti-semite.

The lesson Mel taught me.. Smile and have fun at a party no matter how bad you feel. 
I guess I should have learned to not be so sarcastic and be more respectful. But that didn't stick. So... I am having a birthday party on Nov. 28th and no matter how bad I feel after chemo ..I'm going to have a fabulous time!
Thank you Mel.

The other lesson I learned from Mel and his kooky behavior is this. Your body reacts involuntarily to what it does or does not like.

It was a hot day on set and Mel went around asking people to make a fist and hold their arm up (kindof like a heil hitler. uhm...uh...) and say a food they like. He then went around and tried to push your arm down, while you named that food. It's difficult to push your arm down.

Then he tried it with saying a food you don't like. Your arm just flops down.

The lesson learned you ask? If I did this now and said "I don't like chemo". My arm could potentially drop so quickly it might fall off.

In closing.
I do not like Mel Gibson or Chemotherapy and I plan to have a blast at my birthday party!
One more round of chemo Nov. 19th!


Jules said...

Totally remember that night of the "Mel insult". That was also the same night that Kim wanted Dana to have a chance to be on set so they left me in charge of base camp and when they called Mel to set, I was very excited to go and send him to set. So excited that I forgot to tell his hair and make up ladies that he had gone. Of course, that was one of the rare times that Roland wanted his hair lady (was her name Jerri?) to fix his hair and when they realized she wasn't on set, boy did I get yelled at. So, hmm, what did I learn from Mel? Fix your own damn hair and make up! Or better yet, don't have any hair like my beautiful cousin and there won't be any silly problems like that.

I am sorry you are having it rough. I love you very much. ca caw

Kim said...

Hmm, I have no Mel stories, so I'll just stand behind you Jen: chemo, no chemo, I love you all the time. Have a great party!!

marika said...

THAT is a great story and it made my day. mel and chemo suck, but you rock... xoxoxoxo.

charrba said...

HA! You are a quick wit, a great storyteller, and amazing all around! Things I already knew, but this piece a writing just put it into one compact and shining example.
