
my hair and a pair of scissors.

i'm nervous. it's always on my mind. this hair thing.
how freakish will i look without it?

My glasses broke the night I came home from the hospital. Fell a sleep with them on, like I always do. But the night of chemo and my hair falling out another facial thing needs to change. Damn it!
Thankfully I have a spare. Can't stand them...but I can see. I want my glasses. Big heavy hide my face a bit glasses. I like 'em.

back to my hair... Ali bought me a scissor. I cut a lot of it off. The nurses warned that it gets messy when it starts falling out. It should start thinning by mid week or next week so I'm beating it to the punch. Just shorter so it's not so much.. I'm thinking I'll gradually cut it down. Then maybe a shave. Who knows.

So I cut my hair. not a ton. but shorter.
Took the scissor and just started chopping. Super Fun! Highly recommended at some point in your life. If you didn't do it when you were in elementary school give it a go..if you did it ..do it again. It feels good. I'll probably have a nervous breakdown in a day or two when I look in the mirror but right now I love it...and I'm happy I did it.

A wig you ask? Not sure. Checked 'em out on line. Looked at a few. It's summer and I hear they are hot. I'm just not a wig kindof girl. But who knows. If I go to the Arts Summit for work I'll probably want something. We'll see.
I'm scared shitless. Who the hell knows. minute by minute.


Kim said...

Sheared and sassy is the new long and conventional ... If anyone can pull it off, you can!

Jules said...

That must have felt so freeing! I have always wanted to take my ponytail and just lop it off but I am too chicken. You look gorgeous!!

Emily said...

I think you look beautiful - as usual.
