
Martha Stewart

the treadmill still awaits. I'm not really counting the almost 4 minutes yesterday morning before work. The goal still looms. the bitch..still mine.

I did go into work yesterday though. My mom helped me carry my computer while I walked Charlotte. We walked the whole 200' into town to my office.
I was tired, and woozy but climbed the stairs, sat at my desk and set to get on with the day. Trepidations and cautious. Worked a few hours and then debated leaving the office but Angela was off to check the mail so her and I crossed the street to Love Lane Kitchen.

We ordered lunch. I didn't think I could sit up, I almost wanted to go home. But then.. I heard the news. Moments after Jenni did and a Ha Ha ...full 2 minutes before Mike.

Martha's people called.. they were coming to have lunch at the kitchen...Tomorrow.

If you don't already know. It's my spot that Love Lane Kitchen. I sit on the last stool at the counter closest to the kitchen, at least twice a day almost every day. I love the owner Mike, I adore the Managers Jenni and Kim, and Carolyn and sweet mama Carol and Chef Ben and Roaster Greg and George and Cory and Jaime and Lisa and Jazmin and preggers Laura and Kayla and Nicole and you get the picture.. they are all my Love Lane nucleus.
But, the place has needed some damn plants and a bit of "attention to aesthetic detail". and holy crap Martha is coming!

Finally my brain is spurred..the motors kick in and I'm feeling more alive.
Me: "Mike, we need plants in the pots"
Jenni: "Yeah, ok"
Mike: "Fine, I told you could do it months a go"
Me: "Jenni I'm going to Mattituck florist they'll hook us up"
Jenni: "Bye"
Me: "Mike here's my plan blah blah bl..."
Mike:(interrupting) "you said you'd do it ...so do it.. I don't need to ..."
Me: (dialing the phone) Mom..wanna pick me up? I have to get some plants Martha's coming.
Mom: (on phone) sure, be right there.

I speed talk my away through Mattituck Florist.. tell Pam the deal and she's helping me figure out the plan. The right plant the right pot. "Succulents I say"....(uh..obviously. Who's gonna water those poor suckers)
In a jiffy I've got plants and nick nacks and pots.. I go back to my office finish the day and get my work done. Head back to LLK and we start to get the place spiffy.
Jenni climbs, arranges ..we head back to the florist for more stuff.... aaah ..yay. martha's coming.

Mike get's the boys to groom the gorgeous back garden ..the big beautiful umbrella at the garden chef table is fluffed. I want a gate. A trellis.. Bigger pots. A centerpiece. I'm wound up.. The place has a vision.
Martha will eat her fabulous lunch, laugh, lean back off her chair pick a fresh heirloom tomato from the vine...sip her favorite local blend... praise Ben for his culinary prowess and she'll saunter off...full and happy. Visions of me posting pics of Martha and Mike and Jenni on the Love Lane Kitchen Facebook page dance in my head.

I walk home. Go to bed. It's 7pm.

This morning I'm slow moving again. But, I just can't wait around for my body to catch up with my brain. I've got work at the office and Martha is coming! I need another plant and pot for the top right corner of the restaurant..must go to town..must complete vision..

I walk to town. Tie up the pooch. My mom is there having coffee with a friend. I say hello, barely in the door..first thing I hear..."her people called and canceled". "She's been offered a private lunch at someone's house, they'd love to come in another time".

Love Lane Kitchen now looks as good as the food and service. This summer book the chef's table in the garden it's gorgeous.
Check out the website..I update the dinner menu every week.
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