

Hello my little blogosphere... I've taken a break from writing the past few weeks.
At first it was to collect my thoughts about the end of chemo. Then I didn't know what to say or where to focus. Then it evolved into avoidance and procrastination... I'm pretty sure I just haven't wanted to think about 'cancer' or anything having to do with it ... and then.. it was holiday time and time has been an issue.

To wrap up the past few weeks.. I had my last chemo treatment on Nov. 19. It went on without any new symptoms or difficulties ..except for intense hot flashes and major tiredness and discomfort.

The side effects carried on during all the Thanksgiving hub bub and I am thankful my family was around me and we had a lovely Thanksgiving. I spent much of it reclined.. but it was wonderful to have everyone together.

Next was my Birthday and party hub bub... and even with extreme exhaustion I pushed myself and had a fantastic time. Sadly, my brother in law's father took a turn and they weren't around for the party ...but I had a super fun birthday. The best in years.

Before I knew it, it was December and the looming date of Dec. 15 hung over my head as I awaited my next PET Scan and CT Scan to determine my well being. I started feeling much better and 'normal' by the time scan day came around.. I had almost forgotten I had cancer.
If it weren't for my bald head, lack of eyebrows and strange random fatigue. You would never know the torture I had endured over the past 6 months. It all seems like a bad dream now.

Scan day was fine... but a post unto itself...


Kim said...

Your strength and stamina amaze me!
