
an Ako Sunday

It's 4am and once again I'm not a sleep. I was exhausted all day. Now.. wide awake. Balls!

Ako Castuera is here. Ako is an artist, fantastic knitter, story board artist at Cartoon Network , model maker, hobby horticulturalist and an x employee of Jen Lew Designs.

If I am the Miyagi of matchbox making Ako is my Karate Kid. Without Ako's help Jen Lew Designs would never have been. The work load, the stress, and all of the details would never have worked out without her positive influence, calm personality and talent. If only she could have moved to NY with me. I completely understand businesses that pay for employee travel expenses and housing allowance... if I coulda' I woulda'.
Her friendship and talent would have been invaluable over the past few years here.

Rob Sato is Ako's boyfriend. He's here too. Rob has an art show in Philadelphia next weekend. They arrived here Saturday night and sadly have to leave for Amish Country on Monday. Another quick trip by a good friend who went out of her way to come visit. They flew into MacArthur Airport with the plan that I would pick them up, but... my car for some reason still isn't fixed and sadly, I was/am still too woozy and lame to drive ..so they took a small fortune of a cab ride from Islip to here. It was $100 .. crazy. You can take a super shuttle from Hollywood to LAX for like $30.

Today we didn't do much.. not that what we've done hasn't been thoroughly enjoyable. Just hanging around the house talking while Ako knits me a cap for my cold head. Rob paints or sews his shirt. I love being a hostess, cooking for guests showing them around ..but I'm a lame duck. Of course they don't mind..at all.

Don't get me wrong they didn't sit around the house listening to me complain and take pills all day...Alison came by to join us and we got some cheese at the cheese shop and went to Sherwood Vineyard. Then to Bailey Beach where Rob impressed us with his amazing pitching arm. Never in my life have I seen a rock sail so far.
We walked to Garrett's (unnecessarily) controversial art work on the beach. Then home.

The plan was of course to walk to LLK for dinner...but sadly I was exhausted. Didn't think I'd even be awake when they got back from dinner without me. It was only 10pm but it felt like 3a for me. I was up.. slow, tired, woozy but awake..and convinced a good nights sleep was imminent. Around 12am I fell a sleep, at 2am I was up.. and here I am.

I look forward to spending some quality time with them before they leave on the noon train tomorrow. The day will be tough without sleep. I have an order to ship, assorted things to design and publish for various clients, plus a full day of work at NYS ARTS to attempt.
I'll be a basket case.

I'm sad to know I won't see Ako for a while, but cherish the fact she came to visit. Another reason healing and trip back to LA is surely to come again soon. Anyone have a private jet available?

If you are in Philly go to Rob's show
The works of Rob Sato & Joseph To
September 4 -- 30, 2009
Opening reception: Sept. 4, 6 p.m.

