
it all happens on a thursday...

this thursday is the NoFo WN
My bandage fell off this morning. I can see the lump under my skin. The gash of a scar. Kim says it looks a bit like a mouth..she's right. The lump is round the slice looks like an awkward smile. I want a tattoo of two eyes but I'm far too chicken.

I don't know what to wear. But Ali had brought me over the perfect shirt of hers the other night. It hides the lump and is summery. I go to work.
I'm feeling better. I have a breakdown in the park outside work. One of those blows to the psychy..crap i really do have cancer and there really is a plastic weird lump under my skin where all these chemicals are going to be shot into me causing mayhem and destruction.

Carolyn pours me a short beer at Love Lane Kitchen. I go back to work.

Emily picks me up and we head to Corey Creek and set up for the event. I'm ok for the night. Things turn out beautifully thanks to Emily, Amy Finno and Matt with his pizza truck. I think a good time is had by all. A small turn out for us ..but a gorgeous night and an even more beautiful setting.

Again.. good friends, nice people and my sister make it worth the while to get out of the house and face the world.

Valve lump and all.. the port is weird. it's under my skin...But you can see it. Ali calls me valvalina...

