
so now i'm bald..

am I still a
red head
carrot top
ms. cheesy doodle
fire head
big red
strawberry shortcake
matchstick head
peppermint patty
heat miser
raggedy ann
ronald mc donald
red ryder... there was a guy on fire island who for a time actually just called me wagon.
ketchup head
red headed step child
fire crotch ...yes. that's all gone too. so the curtains still match the drapes.

or just a bald cancer patient?


Jules said...

Nothing can take away the fact that you are a readhead or a ging-er (with a hard g as the Brits say). Hair or no hair. I love my brave, bold cousin - you look incredible. Some people I would imagine can't do bald but you do it beautifully. It is unbelievable.

Kim said...

Being a redhead is a state of mind ... and you're still one fiery woman!

Anonymous said...

I know this is crude but if you have any hair left below and it's red you can consider yourself a red head. By the way be prepared your hair might come back a different texture. My friend who had chemo did as you and shaved her long straight beautiful black hair. It came back curly. Eventually it went straight again and she is back to her original self. Cancer free for 5 years now. erika
