
hair today gone tomorrow

It must be said. This whole hair sitch is all quite ironic. There's no doubt I've been blessed with nice hair. It's thick. It has body. It curls. It's red. Almost daily I get compliments on it.
I've got unique and good hair. I'm just totally full of myself about it. It's fucking awesome.

But all week it's been falling on my desk, itching my back and every time I try to push a hair around my ear.. or just touch it ...it just comes out in my hand. What were loose strands at the beginning of the week ...were full clumps at the end. I was warned, 3 weeks after my first treatment, my hair will be gone. I've known that for my 2nd treatment on Thursday..I'll be just another bald chemo patient at Sloan Kettering Memorial.

Emily and I had plans for lunch on Friday, but it turned into a trip to the barber. Ali met up with us, so with my little posse and a the warm, generous, sweet guys at Love Lane Barber shop I now have a super short hair cut.

I've had to clean my sheets twice this week because hair is all over the place. This morning my pillow is like a furry animal. The funny little bald patches prove that soon enough I'll look like a scrappy cat who got into a fight with a weed wacker.

I'm just one step away from shaving it all off. The shitty thing is the worst part is still yet to come. I'm dealing with the imminent baldness..but dreading the loss of my eyebrows. They are the difference between looking sortof normal and looking like a chemo head.

Ok, so I know the hair has got to go. I've dealt with harder stuff and I can handle being bald. I've been collecting scarves my whole life and have hardly worn them. Here's my chance to accessorize in a fun new way. insert fake - looking at the bright side enthusiasm. Anyone see cool hats at the mall lately?


Leslie said...

Jen you look absolutely beautiful....truly. While your hair is gorgeous, your face and soul are even moreso; your look like a supermodel actually.

Anonymous said...

we had a head shaving party for Hilarie when she was in the midst of chemo. long, blonde thick healthy Breck-girl hair, and we buzzed it all off. out came the scarves, off went the eyebrows, a wig was used too, and then... the shoots started to come back. the bald time was the shortest of the whole arc. that gorgeous red hair of yours wants to be on your head and brows more than not and no chemo or clippers can stop it. you're a Phoenix!!! xoxo, Justine

Jules said...

Jen - that photo of you is gorgeous! I am so sorry about your hair & eyebrows. I know it is difficult but I agree with your friend above, while your hair was striking, it is you, who is beautiful and incredible - hair or no hair! I know once it grows back you will probably want to grow it out but I have to say - that super short cut is amazing on you.

xoxoxoxo 42

Lance said...

Keep up the good fight.

Being bald isn't soo bad. : )

Yvonne said...

You are stunning. . . .inside and out. Not many people can rock short hair and look gorgeous -- you've got it, baby.

I'm so sorry we didn't get together today. I miss you and look forward to catching up early this week.

Don't forget -- Josh is @ Peconic Bay Vineyard on Saturday afternoon. xoxo

Dorian said...

Hey Jen...You look fabulous with the short locks and I already told you that you wear scarves/head wraps well. :-) It's not what you want, but it is what you have, and you are so very brave and strong! Hope to see you soon. And if not before, I hope Thursday goes well.
